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Nachtvisionen, 6. Ausgabe 10—12 Oct, 2024 Innsbruck, Austria




RONEN ELDAR • GB 2018 • 11'

DCP • eOF • Österreichpremiere

12.04.2019, 21:10 Leokino Portrait Special mit BITE V/IRL

Tettey Mansuro, ein in Westlondon lebender Künstler, trifft auf den Regisseur Ronen Eldar. Aus dieser Begegnung entsteht die experimentelle Kurzdoku. MUSIN‘ porträtiert Mansuros künstlerischen Schaffensprozess, sein Leben und den schmalen Grad am Rande des Wahnsinns, auf dem er wandelt.

Ronen Eldar is a French/Israeli writer and director with a background in English literature and creative writing. He studied Filmmaking at the London Film School and has produced work that has been selected and screened in places such as Tokyo, San Francisco, London, and Edinburgh.Ronen’s fascination for Humans and their nature is what drives his work in both fiction and documentary. His work of fiction is usually centred around the strange and the fantastic. By creating stories with elements removed from reality, it allows to hold a mirror to our current reality and rethink it.