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Nachtvisionen, 6. Ausgabe 10—12 Oct, 2024 Innsbruck, Austria



Things and Wonders 2227

Anna Vasof • AT 2016 • 6‘

DCP • no dialogue • Tirolpremiere

13.04.2019, 17:00 Cinematograph Triple Feature mit PLAYING MEN THINGS AND WONDERS 2227 • Anna Vasof will be present for Q&A.

Wenn die Zeit beschleunigt wird, setzen sich die Bilder in Bewegung – vier Non-Stop-Stop-Motion-Videos, in denen die Illusionskraft, die Illusionstechniken und -apparaturen des Kinos vorgeführt werden. Meta-Stop-Motion, die die Magie des Films enthüllt und erfahrbar macht. diagonale.at

Anna Vasof is an architect and media artist. Born in 1985, she studied architecture at the University of Thessaly (2010) in Greece and Transmedia Art (2014) at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.

Director Statement „My work is accessible in a universal way via its wit and mischief. It is grounded in genuine experimentation of the core mechanisms of motion and time based art. I go to the heart of every question and start from zero, reinventing core premises with my own perspective.“